European Congress Qualitative Inquiry 2025

2025 edition of ECQI: 
6-10 January, 2025

Congress Theme

Hope, Humility and Playfulness in a Precarious World


Centre for Creative-Relational Inquiry, University of Edinburgh, UK

The Centre for Creative-Relational Inquiry (CCRI) launched their

and  looks forward to welcoming qualitative researchers to Edinburgh from across the globe – faculty, students, independent scholars, creative practitioners, and more – to the 8th European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry in January 2025.

The precarity of our world does not fit neatly into disciplinary silos. This conference will seek to foster our mutual interdependency and interconnectedness as qualitative inquirers and create space for community that after Rebecca Solnit, does hope together, and after Sandy Grande realises this hope is a hope that lives in contingency with the past.

We invite research as an act of humility: a humility that with Eve Tuck and Monique Guishard can throw us off our thrones of knowing and can become our gateway into vulnerability.  We invite research that troubles both the fantasy of individual autonomy and the hubris of anthropocentrism. As a conference taking place in Scotland and in the UK, we invite research that attends to a decolonialism beyond tokenism that challenges its own movement and questions the specifics of its own positionality.

We invite research that plays: with theory, concepts, questions, philosophy and creative ways of doing and making.

Come and join us to extend, deepen, re-frame and challenge these propositions and to bring, create and generate new ones; propositions that are slow and urgent, generous and edgy, open and restless.

Let’s meet in January 2025. Tell others. Bring others. Bring students, fellow students, colleagues. Bring your energies, commitments, imaginations, creativities, and possibilities. Bring coats, hats and wellies! Bring you! Bring your work-in-progress, process. Come as you are!

We welcome submissions which engage directly with the congress theme, but also those that reach beyond it, and focus on timely topics within qualitative inquiries more broadly. We welcome submissions from researchers at all stages of their careers, including undergraduate students, doctoral researchers, artists and professionals. This conference will be predominantly face to face. 

Call for abstracts closes on the second of September!

The local congress team looks forward to welcoming you to Edinburgh!

The Congress committee
Prof. Jonathan Wyatt
Dr. Fiona Murray

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