Game changers

Game changer Collectives serve as inter-, multi- or transdisciplinary think thanks meant to address broader political or strategically important domains that cut across the community of qualitative researchers and inquirists and demand the communities attention. They are also meant to initiate discussions and the further development of qualitative responses to major challenges or newly emerging trends in society.  Leaders of think thanks are encouraged to propose a topic. ENQI members that subscribe to a game changer session are encouraged to engage with the game changer for an extensive period of time.  The group will work together to create viewpoints, policy briefs, strategic papers or responses to topics that can be shared via the European Network of Qualitative Inquiry.  Where necessary, the Network can serve as a collective platform through which these viewpoints are disseminated simultaneously in relevant journals or provide further support to carry on with the work beyond the congress. All the game changers that are up and running are listed on our partner page. 

These reports reflects the viewpoint from the individual authors and not necessarily the viewpoint from ENQI.

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